Recent Case Results

Walker v. Dahlin, et al., Snohomish County, 19-2-11443-31
Recovery of $752,500 for shooting victim with permanent injuries to right foot. Victim shot by a Springfield 9 mm pistol and sustained past and future wage loss of $100,000.
Weber v. Shawver, King County, 19-2-15381-4 KNT − $500,000 recovery
Pedestrian severely injured by defendant’s inattentive driving in a Fred Meyer parking lot. Client underwent several reconstructive shoulder surgeries and suffered from post-concussive syndrome.
Park v. Strom, 22-2-06252-5 SEA − $185,000 recovery
Rear-end motor vehicle collision on Highway 99 with $850 in property damage. Crash caused debilitating migraines, neck and back injuries, and post-concussion syndrome.
Overland v. Szoboszlay, 21-2-13525-7 SEA − $150,000 recovery
Motor vehicle collision with serious injuries requiring neck surgery. Client suffered a herniated disk to his L5-S1, with radiculopathy, and right-sided sciatica.